Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on
Above the ship, a shadow flew
The flying Boy drew near
Coming forth, no doubt, they knew
To save his fairy dear
The cannons primed and fastened
A sovereign was the prize
Offered by the Captain
For a shot ‘tween the Boy’s eyes
Oh, thirteen souls on a dead man’s ship
Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on
The cannonball flew squarely
He fell into the sea
And though a cheer grew fairly
It died as they could see
His figure from the water
Filling crew with dread
He flew on, keen for slaughter
Alive, yet also dead
Oh, thirteen souls on a dead man’s ship
Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on
The Boy, the corpse refused to fall
His hunger was so great
Ignoring blade and cannonball
He fell on the first mate
And fed, despite the screaming
From first mate and from crew
A horrid nightmare dreaming
The number of dead grew
Oh, thirteen souls on a dead man’s ship
Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on
And cutthroat fought his brother
One living, one undead
And one would claim another
Immune to steel or lead
A desperate feast and battle
Beneath the windless sails
Fought without word or rattle
For dead men tell no tales
Oh, thirteen souls on a dead man’s ship
Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on
On bended knee, the Captain
Begged of the fairy true
To take away the deathless Boy
And spare his sorry crew
To her esteem, she tried her best
As ‘round the deck she flew
Too close she came, just like the rest
He bit her clean in two
Oh, thirteen souls on a dead man’s ship
Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on
Replacing hook for cutter
The Captain joined the fray
And there, without a shudder
He made the dead Boy pay
“The coin is mine! At last he’s done!”
The Captain laughed and cried
But of his crew, not a soul heard
For to a one, they’d died
Oh, thirteen souls on a dead man’s ship
Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on
The deck awash with dust and blood
They backed him to the mast
A mutinous crew, a hungry flood
They reached upon their last
With one last bullet blackened
And gun upon his chin
His final words to his dead mates:
“You shan’t have me! I win!”
Oh, thirteen souls on a dead man’s ship
Before the break of dawn
The guns did black and the blades did rip
While skull and bones smiled on.